Wednesday, November 16, 2011

An Adventure in Skateboarding

My husband used  to ride a skateboard in his younger years and introduced our son to it.  He loved it and seemed a natural.  My husband even built a half-pipe in the backyard.  We lived in Jacksonville, FL at the time and there was a skateboard park there called Kona.  He and our son went a few times.  As the years passed the old Tony Hawk board saw less and less action.  But, it still traveled with us on our later moves to other states.  About a month ago, my husband brought it out of the garage and showed it to our youngest grandson, who's 4 years old.  He loved it, of course, but just riding back and forth in Pawpaw's driveway was too limiting.

So we took him to the local skateboard park.  He finally had ramps!  He was a little hesitant at first, but Pawpaw held his hand on the first one and then he skated them by himself.

When he got home he told his big brother all about it.  Of course, that made him want to go too.  Unfortunately, the last two times we took him, he wasn't able to skate.  But he sure enjoyed it on this trip.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pretty Little Things

I love these horseshoe nail crosses!  My sister makes these and does a fabulous job!  She can make them to match your favorite sport team, charity, favorite color, you name it and she can make them.  She has regular sales and promotions so you really need to check out her site. 
Horseshoe Nail Crosses

Oh, she also on Facebook!
Horseshoe Nail Cross

Here's a sample of her work:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Backyard Activity

     We've noticed a lot of deer feeding behind our fence so my husband had the idea to start feeding them.  He wanted to see if they would come inside the yard.  So he took down a couple panels of fence.  You see what happened.

         Soon she spread the word about the sweet feed and veggies.

       And bird seed.

      We've had a lot of visitors in the last few weeks.  The most I've counted at one time was 7.  We've even had a 4 point buck drop by several times.  I think he was still with his mother.  And the babies with their white spots are adorable!  The grandsons really get a kick out of watching all of them walking through the yard and seeing how close they'll come to the deck.  If this keeps up we won't be able to go out into the yard at all!  I think we've developed a deer santuary!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

First Post

     This is my first blog post and I had been racking my brain on what to write about.  I thought I needed something funny or witty or maybe inspiring.  Then I got a phone call from my daughter.  Her friend's husband has throat cancer.  They found out yesterday and it appears to already be in stage 4.  This news put everything else in my mind on hold.  You see, the husband is only 39 years old.  He and his wife had 3 children, they lost the middle child when he was 12 years old to a 4-wheeler accident a couple of years ago.  The youngest is just 10 and they haven't told her about her father yet.  They don't know what his options are going to be, (they will find out tomorrow) and my guess is that everyone is still in shock.  How do you handle something like that?  I can totally understand the friend asking 'how much more do we have to deal with?'  But unfortunately, I don't have any answers.  Of course, I said a prayer for this family but, when I finished I couldn't help but wonder, about the age-old question of why does bad things happen to good people?  No one knows but at times like this only my faith calms me.